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OP3 Pushes Open-Source Analytics Platform

OP3 Pushes Open-Source Analytics Platform

Prefix code provides stats to users, developers, public; listener privacy protected

The Open Podcast Prefix Project hopes to take podcast analytics into the public information realm.

By adding a specific coding block into the URL of an episode, podcasters can open up their download data to the rest of the podcast and A/V development community, creating a networked dataset to help measure the industry.

Specifics on setup, privacy, and the API for public data, as well as a sample stats site, are all available on the OP3 website.



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How to Start a Podcast in 6 Steps

In 2024, a survey revealed that 47% of U.S. adults listened to a podcast within the last month, a number that has more than tripled over the past decade, according to Statista. With the industry's growing popularity and opportunity, there has never been a better time to

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