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Name That Podcast: A Guide

Name That Podcast: A Guide

How to Choose a Great Podcast Name

Naming a podcast may seem like a minor step in the production process, but industry experts say it is critical to a show's success.

With over 5 million podcasts globally, a name that stands out, is easy to find, and reflects the show’s content can make all the difference in attracting and retaining listeners.

"The name is often the first thing listeners encounter," said Harry Morton, founder of Lower Street, a podcast production company. "It’s your first step toward branding and discoverability."

Indeed, a 2023 survey by Edison Research found that 64% of listeners say they will at least preview a podcast based on its name alone. As podcasts continue to proliferate, selecting the right title is more important than ever.

One of the initial steps in the naming process is brainstorming, commonly referred to as "namestorming" in the podcast industry. The goal is to generate as many potential titles as possible without immediate judgment.

Experts suggest starting by defining your podcast’s theme, target audience, and tone, and exploring serious, quirky, or even punny names.

The objective is to compile a long list of names before narrowing it down to those that align best with the podcast's subject matter and audience. According to industry guidelines, the best names are concise, memorable, and easy to spell and pronounce.

Industry data shows that shorter podcast names tend to perform better. According to Spotify for Podcasters, successful show titles are typically between 15 and 20 characters long and consist of three to four words.

A brief name can help in several ways. It makes the title easier to remember and share, both in casual conversations and on social media platforms. Short names also tend to be more visually appealing when displayed on podcast directories.

However, being concise does not mean sacrificing clarity. A name should give potential listeners an idea of what the podcast is about, while also leaving room for flexibility as the show evolves.

Naming a podcast requires an in-depth understanding of the target audience. Researching what resonates with the intended listener base is essential to crafting a title that connects.

Audience research, such as surveys or social media polls, can help determine what types of names will be most effective. Industry experts advise creators to think about how listeners will search for and talk about the podcast.

With so many podcasts available, it’s crucial to ensure that your chosen name stands out. Conducting a competitive analysis is an important step in this process, said industry experts.

Platforms like Podchaser and Apple Podcasts offer valuable insight into how competing shows name themselves. It is also essential to check whether the desired name is available as a domain and on social media. Experts recommend ensuring that the name is unique to avoid confusion or legal issues related to intellectual property.

A good podcast name should reflect the content of the show while allowing for flexibility as the podcast grows. Naming your podcast too specifically can limit future content options.

Experts also suggest that creators avoid naming their podcasts after themselves unless they are already well-known personalities.

Podcast discoverability is another key consideration. The right name can improve a podcast’s chances of being found through search engines and podcast directories. Incorporating relevant keywords into the title or subtitle can significantly impact search engine optimization.

For creators struggling to incorporate a keyword into their podcast title, experts suggest adding it to the subtitle. For example, a podcast called "The Culinary Chronicles" could have the subtitle "Exploring the World of Fine Dining" to enhance its search ranking.

SEO tools such as Google Trends and SEMrush can help identify keywords that align with the podcast’s theme and target audience.

Once a list of potential names has been narrowed down, experts recommend seeking feedback from industry peers or members of the target audience. This step helps ensure the name resonates with listeners.

Experts advise presenting three to five options to a small group of listeners for feedback. The name should be easy to say, spell, and remember, while also capturing the essence of the podcast’s content.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

According to experts, there are several common mistakes creators should avoid when naming a podcast:

  • Overcomplicating the name: A name that is too long or complex can make it difficult for potential listeners to remember or recommend.
  • Copying existing names: This can result in legal trouble and confusion among listeners.
  • Including “podcast” in the title: This is redundant and wastes valuable space that could be used for a more descriptive or creative word.
  • Using offensive language: Apple Podcasts and other platforms may reject shows with inappropriate or offensive names, which can limit the podcast’s reach.

Choosing the right podcast name is a crucial decision that can influence a show’s growth and longevity. Industry experts recommend keeping names short, memorable, and aligned with the podcast’s content, while also ensuring SEO optimization. Seeking feedback from peers and audience members can also provide valuable insights.

By following these guidelines, creators can craft a name that enhances discoverability and sets their show up for success.

