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Libsyn Pulls Plug on Virtual Studio

Libsyn Pulls Plug on Virtual Studio

Former Auxbus tools latest to drop from availability

European podcasting host Libsyn unexpectedly shut down their online audio recording studio, the company announced this week.

Completed episodes are still available as files, but recording and editing has ceased, according to an email sent to customers.

End of Service Notice for Libsyn Studio

The letter promises new tools in the future, but doesn't specify whether they will include virtual recording.

The Libsyn Studio app originated as Auxbus. It was purchased by Libsyn in 2021 and rebranded in 2022. A free version was shuttered later that year.

Spotify for Podcasters also announced the termination of several online tools, effective in June 2024.

Podcastle, Alitu, Riverside, Descript and others offer similar online-based audio recording services.

